It is our department that deals with children's oral and dental health in order to protect the milk and permanent teeth of children from the birth until the end of adolescence and to eliminate the problems caused by caries, trauma, hereditary and similar factors.
Within the scope of pedodontics treatments;
- Baby bottle rot (Mother's breastfeeding her baby during the night causes teeth to decay very early. Sugar, which is called lactose in the structure of breast milk, is a very carious (cariogenic) substance. is also the result of taking long-term milk or formula during sleep at night with a bottle)
- Dental caries and restorations
- Dental infections
- Placeholders (If the milk tooth has to be withdrawn before the fall age, it is the treatment to prevent loss of space)
- Caries protective applications
- Dental traumas
- Fear of Dentists in Children
Do not pass on your own bad experiences to your child.
- Do not pass on your own bad experiences to your child.
- In order to frighten and punish the child, do not say “I will take you to the dentist, I will make a needle”.
It is recommended that the first dental examination is usually between 6 months and 1 year old, after the child's first tooth begins to appear. The most important reason for the first visit of the dentist to start so early is to show parents how to clean the teeth during infancy and to protect your child from bruises that may occur due to the wrong feeding habits that we call baby bottle caries. From this age, it is very important to take your child for control every 6 months or at intervals recommended by your dentist.
Simple and short-term protective applications (such as fissure sealants, fluoride applications) that the dentist will perform in these controls will prevent the formation of caries in your child's teeth. Short and simple treatments will allow your child to get used to dental treatment, and the development of fear and anxiety will be prevented in line with what is heard from the treatment and / or environment.
Preventive Treatments in Children
Children are more susceptible to caries because they cannot pay attention to oral care as much as adults and milk teeth have a more organic structure than normal teeth. It is very difficult to apply a technique for brushing teeth in preschool children. The important thing at these ages is to give the child the habit of brushing teeth. When children brush their teeth, they often brush the visible or easily accessible faces of the teeth. However, the interfaces and chewing surfaces of the teeth should also be cleaned in order to prevent caries. Therefore, brushing should be under the help and control of parents until school age.
The child's toothbrush should match his age and mouth size. After breakfast and before going to bed at night, an effective brushing process of just three minutes is sufficient. Like every good habit, toothbrushing habit is a habit that should be gained in childhood.
It is not recommended to use toothpaste in infancy and in children up to three years. Use of toothpaste should be started after the age of three; and special toothpastes for children should be preferred.
A mistake that mothers often make is that pacifiers or baby bottles can be made with sugar, jam, etc. It is immersed in foods such as, before giving to children. Children stay in sleep with this bottle, and the constant presence of sugar in the mouth causes cavities in the milk teeth. These caries are called baby bottle caries.
Treatments that prevent caries are called preventive treatments. One of these is fissure song and the other is fluorine application.
Fissur sealant (fissure sealant)
Dental caries usually start in the grooves called "fissure" on the chewing faces of molar and minor teeth. These fissures are covered with a liquid filler, and these areas are covered with microbes, leftovers etc. Leakage is prevented by preventing leakage. This process can also be applied to permanent molars and small teeth, which arise from the age of 6. As a result of the clinical applications performed, it was observed that caries formation decreased by 70-80% in the treatments made with this method.
Fluorine application
Another way to prevent caries is by applying topical (superficial) fluoride to the teeth. In this way, it is aimed to increase the resistance of the teeth against caries. As is known, fluorine is a substance found in all oral care products. The form used by dentists gives results to prevent caries from occurring when applied in certain periods, especially in individuals prone to dental caries. The frequency and amount of application is determined by the experts according to the age of the individual and the risk of caries formation.